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{DIY} Make a Necklace or Bracelet from Washers and Ribbon - MOPS Craft

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Another successful craft we did at MOPS last semester were these DIY necklaces made from washers and ribbon. You can also make bracelets with the same amount of washers, we left it up to the ladies to decide!
Follow my image tutorial or download the pdf attachment here to print out the full instructions.

{DIY} Chalk Hand Lettering Tutorial

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I have always been in love with the look of hand chalk lettering seen on chalkboards all over from restaurants, birthday parties and weddings. I admire the charming mixture of typography and decorative elements so much that I even tried to duplicate the look myself...and failed. I realized this graphic designer has no skill at freehand drawing. However, I am very skilled on the computer!  By creating your own design or finding one off the Internet, you can duplicate the hand chalk lettering look yourself using just a few simple materials. Follow my tutorial to learn how easy it can be!

{DIY} Printed Tile Coasters Made from Napkins

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
One of my favorite crafts to do are these simple and fun tile coasters made out of travertine tiles and napkins. Because they are inexpensive and easy to make, this made a great craft to demonstrate at one of our MOPS meetings.